
Tadley Community Primary School

Tadley Community Primary School




Spelling teaching is supported, both in school and at home, by the Spelling Shed resources using a spelling scheme that has been created around the national curriculum spelling objectives for each year group. This scheme is a systematic approach that involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols. It is based upon the latest research around spelling and incorporates strategies that build on children’s phonic knowledge, and builds their understanding of the meaning of different parts of words (morphology) and the root/history of words (etymology). This supports their orthographic mapping: a process where they learn to connect sounds in words that they already know to help them spell words and permanently store words in their long-term memory. Learning to spell is a key ingredient to becoming a good reader and is far more intricate than just memorising words (Spelling Shed)



Although some will come from reading, we cannot rely on children to ‘pick up’ the patterns or memorise spelling through tests. Teaching time needs to be dedicated to spelling so that children can learn the structure of words and find strategies that will help them make connections. This will help their writing become more coherent and their spelling to be consistent as they apply what they have been taught when sounding out words.


We no longer complete spelling tests with set word lists. Research has shown that Spelling Tests are fundamentally flawed as they go out into the community and become a memory test and nothing more. Why not spelling tests?


  • Pressure on parents
  • Testing is not teaching
  • Poor application in writing
  • Reticular hijack – increases anxiety
  • Detrimental to self-esteem
  • Not inclusive for dyslexic learners


Instead, we need to have progress checks. These will help make connections and keep patterns and phonics at the heart of the teaching which is what our spelling curriculum endeavours to provide. 
