Tadley Community Primary School
Tadley Community Primary School
Our Vision and Rationale
At Tadley Community Primary School, Mathematics plays an integral role in our daily lives and is collectively regarded in a positive light. The school delivers a 'Teaching for Mastery' approach, ensuring every child receives a comprehensive and coherent education in this essential subject.
How do we do this?
The inclusive teaching environment allows all children to experience success, with high-quality instruction fostering a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and skills. This consistent and high level of teaching prepares children not only for academic transitions but also for real-life applications, equipping them with the necessary tools for future success, aligned with the school's philosophy of "Learning for Life – the Tadley way."
By exposing children to rich mathematical language and utilising stem sentences, we aim for learners to verbally reason and explain their mathematical thinking as standard practice. We strive to build resilience in learning by encouraging independence, equipping children with strategies to approach unknown problems, and fostering the ability to reflect and learn from mistakes. Additionally, embedded assessments enable children to make continual progress and delve deeper into their understanding of mathematics, ensuring a thorough grasp of the subject.
Children at Tadley Community Primary School develop into confident and resilient learners with an 'I can do maths' attitude, fostering their ability to make connections, reason effectively, and utilise estimation. Misconceptions are promptly identified and addressed within the same day, ensuring continuous progress.
Emphasis on collaboration and problem-solving encourages children to work together and tackle challenges collectively. Their curiosity drives them to ask questions about the world around them, using this inquisitiveness for problem-solving and reasoning.
They also develop a strong recall of key facts, such as times tables and number bonds. The use of manipulatives, visual representations, and formal methods support their learning, enabling a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts.
Staff at Tadley Community Primary School are passionate about mathematics, fostering a shared vision and culture of excellence. With strong subject knowledge and up-to-date training, we are well-equipped to deliver a high-quality programme of study. Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) are provided with regular training and new members of teaching staff receive induction and key training.
Our effective lesson structure and thoughtful task design ensure that all children experience success as learners.