Tadley Community Primary School
Tadley Community Primary School
Spring 2 Homework Planners
Spring 1 Homework Planners
Home learning storm Eunice
Good Morning
We hope you are all safe and well. For today, we would like you to do the following;
English Choose your favourite story. Read it through and then draw a story map and highlight all the key events in the story. Can you retell and write the story in your own words.
Maths This week we have been learning how to tell the time. Y1 - can you practise telling the time to half past and o'clock times. You can also practise doubling numbers up to 10 and counting in 2s and 10s. Y2 - can you practise telling the time to half past, o'clock, quarter past and quarter to. Can you practice counting in 5s – you could use a clock to help you. You can also practise your 2x and 10x tables.
Dont forget to read a book and you can use any of our online platforms; Reading Eggs, Mathletics, TT Rockstars and Numbots.
Have a good day and a lovely half term.
Autumn Homework Planners