Tadley Community Primary School
Tadley Community Primary School
Welcome to Year 3 & 4 2021~2022
Jellyfish Class - Miss Lowe
Turtle Class - Mrs Izzo & Mrs Waugh
Swordfish Class - Mrs Taplin & Mrs Walker
Spring Term 2022
This term we will be learning about the Great Barrier Reef.
We will be learning about the animals that live there and how their lives and habitats are impacted by the choices we make.
We hope you all have a
Week six:
Thank you for all of your wonderful under the sea dioramas! You have put so much effort in and they look fantastic on display!
On Monday, the Turtles and Jellyfish went on our school trip to the Gordon Brown Centre. Despite the wet and windy weather, they all had a fantastic time. Luckily, the weather had improved by Thursday when it was Swordfish Class' turn! The children all had a brilliant time on their 'Survival Day' and particularly enjoyed building shelters in the woods.
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circle complete consider continue decide
Times table focus: This week we are continuing to practise the 6x table.
Week five:
Maths: This week we have started working on multiplication and division problems. We have looked at different methods that will help us with number problems.
English: In our English lessons we have been very busy finishing off our Australian animal reports. We have designed front covers and written our work up neatly.
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Times table focus: This week we are practising the 6x table.
Monday: Jellyfish & Turtle Trip
Thursday: Swordfish Trip
Week four:
Reminder: Friday 25th March is Odd Sock Day. The children can wear odd socks and we are happy for them to wear non-uniform. The day is to celebrate our differences, it is the final day of our Respect Week.
What a busy week we have had! This week we have been busy working on our Spring Term assessments. Everyone has worked so hard and we are very proud of you all!
Topic: In our Topic lessons this week we have been finding out about food chains. We have used the key vocabulary: carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, predator, prey, producer and consumer.
This week is RESPECT week at school so we have also been busy thinking of ways to be kind, helpful and polite to others. The Respect Ambassadors have been busy spotting good behaviour and lots of the children have been awarded little certificates to recognise this. Also, we have all decorated special pebbles which will be displayed in school.
steak bath kind fast door
bicycle breath build busy business
Times table focus: This week we are practising a range of times tables on TT Rockstars.
Who will win this week's battle?
Week three:
Reminder: Friday 18th March is Red Nose Day.
Topic: In our Topic lessons, we have been finding out about the Great Barrier Reef. This week we did an experiment to see the effects of pollution in the sea. We also got to have a look at some real pieces of coral.
Maths: This week we have been working on a variety of investigations and challenges relating to number and place value.
English: In our English lessons, we have been writing the first draft of our Australian animal reports.
Times table focus: This week we are practising a range of times tables on TT Rockstars.
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Week two:
Maths: This week we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to solve missing number problems. Year 4 have also practised rounding to the nearest ten and hundred.
English: We have continued our work on Australian animals. We have been researching our chosen animal using books and laptops. Also, we have practised writing simple, compound and complex sentences.
Times table focus: This week we are continuing to practise the 9 times table.
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accident accidentally actual actually address
Week one:
We have had an awesome first week back. The children are excited for the term ahead and are looking forward to exploring the Great Barrier Reef!
English: This week we have revisited number and place value. We have represented numbers in different ways, practised partitioning, ordered and compared numbers and practised reading and writing numbers in words.
Maths: On Monday, Mrs Peters came to see us with a special request. She has asked us to find out about different animals that she may spot when she goes to Australia. We have watched some videos, identified key vocabulary and examined some animal reports.
Guided Reading: This week we have been given an important job! Each of us are going to be judges for the Hampshire Book Awards. We have been given 5 different non-fiction books to explore and over the coming weeks will make a decision about which is our favourite and why.
And the nominees are...
Times table focus: This week we are practising the 9 times table.
Spring Term 2022
This term we will be learning all about Australia.
We will be thinking about these key points: climate, location, animals, famous landmarks.
Week six:
Maths: This week in Maths we have been learning about the properties of shapes. We have had a focus on 2D shapes and have discussed how they are different to 3D shapes. We have identified and named 2D shapes in our classroom and around the school.
English: In our English lessons this week we have been writing diary entries from Little Red Riding Hood’s point of view. We have had a particular focus on writing in the first person and also using descriptive language.
Times table focus: This week we are continuing to practise our 8 times table.
Week five:
English: In our English lessons this week we have been learning about Little Red Riding Hood. We have done some hot-seating and talked about stories written in first person. We have also examined nouns and adjectives and thought about how to uplevel our writing using new vocabulary.
Maths: This week in Maths we have been continuing to practise subtraction. We have recapped money and used formal methods (number lines and column method) to solve problems involving giving change.
Guided Reading: We have been continuing our work on How To Train Your Dragon. This week we examined some interesting vocabulary that we had identified in chapter one.
Times table focus: This week we are practising our 8 times table.
Week four:
Maths: This week in Maths we have been practising our subtraction. We have used practical resources (dienes and place value counters) and also used formal methods (number lines and the column method) to solve problems.
English: In our English lessons this week we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have acted out the story, written questions for different characters, created story maps and practised using expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials.
Topic: This week we have been looking at colour mixing and have created some aboriginal art.
Times table focus: This week we are continuing to practise our 7 times table.
Week three:
Maths: In our Maths lessons we have been learning to add money using different strategies. We have also had a go at counting amounts on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
English: This week we have been learning about the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been retelling the story and using descriptive language to describe settings. We practised using adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe in more detail.
Times table focus: This week we are practsing our 7 times table.
Week two:
Maths: This week we have been investigating measure. We created our own metre sticks and practised comparing and measuring lengths in centimetres.
English: In our English lessons we have been using expanded noun phrases to describe, hot-seating characters from a story and reading a selection of traditional Aboriginal Dreamtime stories.
Topic: We have located Australia on a world map and discussed the climate there. We have found out about some famous places and landmarks and also whether they were man made or natural.
Times table focus: This week we are continuing to practise our 6 times table.
Week one:
Maths: We have started off the new year looking at fractions. We have been identifying equivalent fractions, exploring fraction walls and adding fractions with the same denominator.
English: In our English lessons we have started to explore the traditional story ‘Why the Koala has a Stumpy Tail’. We have listened to clues, made predictions and discussed the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
P.E: This week we have started practising our netball skills! We had to work hard but we had lots of fun!
Times table focus: This week we are practising our 6 times table.