
Tadley Community Primary School

Tadley Community Primary School


Grants Officer Volunteer Role

The PTFA for Tadley Community Primary school, registered charity number 1104299, are wishing to recruit a Grants Officer. A really exciting role and opportunity, which has the potential to make a huge difference to the school.

As we now include ‘friends of’ within our charity, this volunteer role can be taken up by a teacher, parent, caregiver, or extended family member, or a friend of the school…

This line of fundraising opens up opportunities for the PTFA and School to receive larger monetary donations, or donated resources from outside communities or business.

There are many local and national grants available for schools, which we would like to start to explore more closely. Any grants received will be used to support larger projects that we support within the school, in line with a list of equipment and resources which have gone, and continue to go through a procurement process, ensuring that sustainability, safety and quality are all of a high standard.


Key roles

  • To work closely with the PTFA charity chair and treasurer.
  • To investigate trusts, organisations, and local and national businesses who might offer grants in line with the PTFA and Tadley Community Primary School main goals and objectives, which also meet the charity guidelines and fundraising criteria.
  • Submit grant and bursary applications.
  • Create and track a grant calendar.
  • Create “wish list tracker” to itemise equipment and resources and the progress.
  • Advise on applications, keeping people informed about the progress of the application. This will be with the PTFA chair and treasurer.


Key skills needed/desired

  • Good at writing and articulating on behalf of the PTFA
  • Well organised, and able to share information with the chair and treasurer when agreed.


Other notes

There is no obligation to volunteer at fundraising events as this is a stand alone role within the committee, unless you want to.

The post holder will agree to and abide by the schools and PTFAs policies around safeguarding, data privacy, social media, and charity law.

If you would like to know more, have any questions or would like to register your interest, or know someone who may, please do get in touch.

On Wednesday 18th September, we had the Annual PTA General Meeting (AGM). It was so lovely to see some new parents attend. We had the opportunity to talk through the success of the last academic year, which despite running smaller events we still made an incredible £8432.54!!!


£7397.21 of that total has already been used to fund lots of experiences and resources to enhance the children’s education. This has included iPads and laptops, contributions to all school trips, playground equipment and much more. A full breakdown is shared below. 


Message from Emma Cobb, 2023-2024 PTA Chair - 

This was my last AGM, and I have now handed over the baton as PTA chair after 5 years of being part of the committee. I want to say a HUGE thank you for all your support. Thank you to those who attend meetings and share ideas, who help plan the events, volunteer, donate items for raffles and everyone who attends the events and spends money. Without YOU the discos, film nights, raffles and other events in between would not be possible. My biggest thank you goes to the PTA committee and others who are not on the committee but show up at every meeting, planning evening and event – you know who you are ðŸ˜Š. Thank you for your continued commitment and hard work. You have been an absolute blast to ‘work’ with and I’m thankful for the friends that I have made over the years.


Kelly Stone – Vice Chair also stepped down at the AGM. Kelly has supported the PTA over 4 years and has led on catering, raffles and other big events. Kelly is always the first to offer her help and has spent many hours planning, shopping and volunteering. A GREAT BIG thank you goes to Kelly for all her hard work and dedication – the PTA are super grateful for everything you have done!


The new Chair of the PTA is Laura Routh-Parsons, who I’m sure many of you will know from her amazing work on the school garden. She will be supported by newly appointed co-secretaries Natalie Leeke and Becky Curtis. Thank you to Laura, Natalie and Becky for stepping up into the committee roles. Sarah Birnie remains in post as Treasurer. I will still be supporting from the sidelines but wish you all the best of luck with the next academic year and beyond.


