
Tadley Community Primary School

Tadley Community Primary School

For Staff

Golden Rules


  • Yes, it could happen here.
  • Little things matter - it builds a puzzle.
  • Always ensure a child's wellbeing.
  • Act quickly - Pass to DSL - straight away.
  • Record - carefully and fully
  • Follow-up afterwards


What to do if you have a concern about a child


  • Act quickly
  • Speak to a DSL - Mrs Alsey, Miss Mohain
  • Complete a Record of Concern and pass on straight away, or teachers, create a CPOMS entry. If necessary call a DSL.
  • If you need to seek advice or make a referral yourself, and a DSL cannot be contacted, then you can phone 0300 555 1381 (out of hours - 0300 555 1373) or complete an online IRAF form here. In an emergency phone 999. This document is really helpful, too - it walks you through the process step by step.

Key Phone Numbers/Forms


Make a referral - 0300 555 1381 (out of hours - 0300 555 1373)


LADO phone number - 01962 876 364


Honeycomb Early Help Hub - 01256 776189


CPI Information and Form (for sharing local information with the police) - Click Here


Toolkits & Useful Documents


Introduction to Safeguarding Video - Click Here


Sexualised Behaviour Toolkit  - Click Here


Online Activity Toolkit - Click Here


When to call the police guidance - Click Here


Information about contextual safeguarding - Click Here


Information about Disguised Compliance - Click Here


Neglect Toolkit - Click Here
