
Tadley Community Primary School

Tadley Community Primary School

2022 - 2023

Summer 2

Week 5: 07/07/23

Week 4: 30/06/23

Week 2: 16th June

Week 4: 12.05.23


Well done Year 6 on completing SATs week! You've worked extremely hard and we are all very proud of your efforts. 

Thank you Year 5 for being supportive and respectful during this time. :) 

Week 3: 05.05.23

Week 2: 28/04/23

Week 1: 21/04/23

Summer Term 1

Week 4: 17.03.23



Week 3: 10/03/23

A note from your teachers!

A note from your teachers


Hi Everyone,


If you are not coming into school today, please find a list of activities/work for you to complete below: Reading - please read for 20 minutes. When you have read, write a paragraph about what you have read. - What did you like? - Was there anything you disliked? - Are there any questions you have about what you have read? - What do you predict will happen next? You can also use Reading Eggs throughout the day if you wish to. Writing - write a descriptive piece about the snow. Remember to include the following: - Adjectives - Similes, metaphors and personification - Expanded noun phrases Consider the 5 senses. There are also revision booklets for both Year 5 and 6 on our school website. These can be accessed here (We will also post this as a separate link on here). Maths - Please use Mathletics to revise any topics you feel you need more work on. Please also work on your times tables on TTRS. Please also make sure you get outside to spend some time enjoying the snow if you are able to. We'd love to see your snow photos on Seesaw if you are able to post them online. Wrap up warm and have a good day.


Mrs Hillerton, Mrs Izzo and Mrs Walker and Miss Yockney :)



Spring 2

Week 2: 3/3/23

Week 1: 24.02.23

Spring 1

Week 5: 3.02.23

Week 4: 27.01.23

Week 3 - 20.01.23

Wk 2: 9.01.23

Autumn Term 2

Week 6: 09.12.22

Week 5 - 02.12.22

Week 4: 25.11.22

Music Poster examples

Week 3 - 18.11.22

Week 2 - 11.11.22

Week 1 - 31.10.22

Autumn Term 1

Week 6 - 14.10.22

Week 5 - 7.10.22

Week 4 - 30.9.22

Week 3 - 23.9.22

Week 2 - 16.9.22

Week 1 - 5.9.22
