
Tadley Community Primary School

Tadley Community Primary School


Welcome to KS1!

Here you will find out what we do in Year 1 & 2 throughout the year, key dates and information.


There are three classes in Years 1 and 2:


Shark class- Miss Davies

Seahorse class - Mrs Stirling and Mrs Jordan

Clownfish class - Mrs Ebenezer and Mrs Hillerton


We hope you enjoy looking at your children's work and all the fun activities they participate in!


Please find the homework in the home learning section or use this weblink:

If you have trouble with any of the homework, please speak to your child's class teacher.


Spring Term 


Key dates coming up:

Friday 13th March - INSET day 

Monday 23rd March - 3.30-6pm Parents Evening

Tuesday 24th March - 9.15am Clownfish sharing assembly

Tuesday 24th March - 2.15pm Sharks sharing assembly

Wednesday 25th March - 9.15am Seahorse sharing assembly

Wednesday 25th March - 4-7pm Parents Evening

Tuesday 31st March - Rock Steady Concert

Wednesday 1st April - 9.15am KS1 Easter Service at St Pauls 





Tuesday 10th March - Marwell Zoo


What a fantastic day! The children had an amazing time at Marwell Zoo. They saw lots of animals.... we even spotted the sloth! Zoo keepers were on hand to give us vital information about the animals. The children engaged in a workshop all about habitats and adaptations. In each workshop the children were able to touch a very large stick insect and try and work out what it's habitat is. 



The children were extremely well behaved and thankfully the weather stayed dry! Thank you to all the parent helpers that assisted us today - we could not go on our trips without your support. 


Tuesday 3rd March - Design and Technology


Today we looked at food from Chile - Sopaipillas with Pebre. The children weighed out the ingredients, mixed and chopped. They were able to try their Sopaipilla with Pebre and take it home.  


If you would like to make these at home you can use the link below for the recipe.


Monday 2nd March - Maths


Following on from last weeks learning, finding half of shape, we have been finding half of quantities. We started off by counting out a number and sharing it into 2 equal groups. Throughout the rest of the week we will be finding half, quarter and a third of quantities.

Tuesday 25th February - Design and Technology


In Design and Technology we are looking at food from around the world. Today we looked at food from Japan - Sushi. The children were able to design their own sushi roll, chop vegetables and make sushi. The children were able to try their sushi or take it home.  

Monday 24th February  - PE


This half term Year 1 and 2 are lucky to have a specialist cricket coach to teach them cricket skills. The warm up was volcanoes and craters. Initially they got a ball and made it travel from one person to another in different ways. They moved on to throwing the balls to each other. The last task was a bit of a challenge. The children had to throw the ball in the air and clap before catching it again. To challenge them further they had to clap multiple times.



Tuesday 11th February


This week in Guided Reading we are learning about enjoyment for reading. The children were asked to bring in their favourite book from home. Today they went down to Year R to share their stories with them. It was really nice seeing the children share their stories with each other.

Monday 10th February


This week in Maths the children are learning to tell the time. Year 1 children have been using clocks to practically make o'clock and half past times. Year 2 children have been learning to tell the time for o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Later in the week they will be learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.


Please take as many opportunities as you can to tell the time with your children at home.

Monday 3rd February - Maths


In  maths today the Year 2 children continued to learn different methods to subtract two 2-digit numbers. They are working really hard.


The Year 1 children were split into groups and different activities. One group used their number bonds to 10 to add three 1-digit numbers together. The other group showed us different ways of making different numbers.

Tuesday 14th January - Science


Today the children went on a wet welly walk around the school. They were looking at habitats and micro-habitats. They turned over leaves, logs, pots etc to see what lives under them. With their yogurt pot they capture their living item so they could talk about it in class. 



Thursday 19th December 2019- RE

Today we made our own Christingles as part of our RE topic. We learnt that Christians use Christingles in their church services during Advent. 

The children learnt that the parts of the Christingle all represent something different to do with Jesus and God. 

- The orange is the world.

- The ribbon is God's love for the world.

- The sweets and 4 cocktail sticks are God's creations during the four seasons.

- The candle is the light of Jesus' love.


We found it quite tricky to make our Christingles but we were all pleased with our outcome. 

Tuesday 10th December 2019 - Art

In Art this week we have started making our Christmas tree decorations. Here is a sneaky peak at what we have been doing..... you'll have to wait for the final product to come home...can you guess what they are? 



Thank you so much for sending your children's baby photos and special gifts into school this week. The children enjoyed sharing their items with the rest of the class and the adults loved seeing their super cute photos! 

We discussed how the children's special gifts linked to the Christmas story, considering how being given gifts as a baby now is similar to Jesus being given special gifts at his birth.


In art we have been learning all about the artist Jan Griffier who was active during 1666 when the Great Fire of London happened. The children learnt all about the colour wheel and how to colour mix paint to create their background.  We have then made silhouette houses to add onto our flames to represent the houses.


Here are some for you to see. 

Monday 2nd December 2019 - English


Today the children started a new book called 'One Christmas Wish,' by Katherine Rundell. The children have written some Christmas wishes on present tags and decorated our class Christmas trees. We were very impressed with how many children wished for things that helped others/the planet/animals. The final outcome of the unit is to write their own version of the story based on the book. We will publish some of these on the website so keep a look out in a few weeks time! 


Friday 29th November

Seahorse class enjoyed an extra playtime for having the highest attendance in KS1. 


Thursday 28th November 

London's Burning!! 

Today we burnt our houses, we thought very carefully about how we felt when our houses had burnt down and what it must have been like for the families many years ago who lost everything. 


Children in Need - Friday 15th November


The children loved coming into school in their sporty clothes on Friday and they all looked great! During the day the children participated in different activities arranged especially for Children in Need. One of the children's favourite activities was a HIT session in the hall with Mrs Ford and Miss Mohain. 


Thank you for supporting this event and for the donations you sent in. 


Year 1/2 Trip to Tudor House, Southampton


On Thursday 14th November, Year 1/2 went on our school trip to Tudor House in Southampton. The focus of our learning was The Great Fire of London. Every child participated in a workshop to help them learn more about how, where and when the fire started. They also had the opportunity to explore a range of artefacts associated with the fire and/or life in 1666. We also explored the Tudor House and gardens and watched a short show which gave further information about how the house has changed over time. 


The children's behaviour was exemplary while out on the trip and we are very proud of them. 


We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos we took on the day. 

Tuesday 12th November

In D & T we have been making our Tudor houses.   We have thought carefully about the different materials we could use to make ours houses and how we can join the parts together. 



Tuesday 12th November

Today we had a visit from Perform and we got to take part in a drama workshop.  This was great fun.. we had to pretend to be wizards and acted out a story. 

Monday 11th November - Maths 


Today in maths the Year 1 children started to count on in 2's. First they made a number line with Numicon. They took away the odd numbers and practised counting on. If they needed to they could whisper the odd number. They then counted out different items into groups of 2. 


Year 2's revised counting in 2's but applied their knowledge of this to count on in steps of 3,5 and 10. 

They did this practically using Numicon and Dienes. The challenge was a number line with missing numbers. The children had to figure out if the number line was going up in steps of 2,3,5 and 10. 



Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th November - Art


In our Art lessons this week we have been studying the Dutch artist, Jan Griffier.

Griffier is well known for his paintings of scenes from The Great Fire of London. As part of our work this week, the children have worked on colour mixing and creating different gradients. They experimented with adding tiny amounts of a different colour to an existing colour in order to make a fire coloured paint chart. 

Tuesday 5th November - Science


This week in science we have been exploring the different ways in which objects can move.  We can throw, kick, bounce a ball.  We can blow a marble, flick a counter.  We also discovered that for some objects we needed to pull backwards to get the motor working and it would travel further and faster. 

Friday 25th October - Computing


In our Computing sessions we are learning about e-safety. This week we have been thinking about how we use the internet for different purposes. During our Computing session today, the children completed a range of different activities including, playing a game online (CBeebies), watching Alphablocks, finding out about our class sea creature and taking and saving a selfie! 

After half term we will focus on the rules around staying safe online while completing activities such as the ones we completed today. 

Tuesday 22nd October 

Bollywood Dancing Workshop - RE and PE


Today we were really lucky to have a visit from Zoe, from the Education Group, who taught us a Bollywood dance routine. We discussed that as part of the Diwali celebration Hindu's may  take part in Bollywood style dancing. Zoe explained how the moves represent different animals and the children learnt a routine around these. 



Bollywood Dancing.mp4

Still image for this video

Dragon Homework Project


We are so impressed by the children's dragons that they made for their two week Topic Homework! We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of these below... 


Well done everyone, great work! 

Monday 14th October: RE

This afternoon Mrs Draper came to visit us at school to talk to us about Diwali. She spoke to us about going to India many times and how the travel around, although they have trains, some people climb have to sit on the roof.  They have sleeper trains and Tuk Tuks.


We were lucky enough to see some of her incredible pictures from her visits she told us about Rama and Sita and why they celebrate Diwali.  We then got to smell some of the traditional spices they use in their cooking, saw some artifacts and we got to taste some dahl that Mrs Draper kindly made for us. 


Thursday 10th October: Science


Today in our Science lessons we continued our work on materials by testing how fire resistant items are. The children made predictions about which of our materials, wood, soft plastic, hard plastic, cardboard and brick, would be the most fire resistant. We then went outside together to test the materials and see how accurate our predictions were. 


Miss Davies placed each of our materials into the fire and we watched what happened. It was a lot of fun seeing the materials react to the fire, smelling the smoke in the air and talking to each other about what we could see happening. 


As a result of our experiment we concluded that brick was the most fire resistant of all the materials. Check out our photographs below to see what happened to the other materials. 

Tuesday 8th October: Science Lesson

Today we reminded ourselves about last week's science lesson and which material was the most waterproof.  


We then used the same materials to find out which was the most durable.  We tested the materials by pushing, pulling and bending them.  We even tried standing on them!

The children found that the wood was the most durable. 

The children enjoyed seeing how they could test the different materials to see if they would break. 




Next week the children will be testing to see which material is the most fire resistant. 

Monday 7th October: PSHE


This afternoon the NSPCC spoke to the children about 'Speak out. Stay safe.' They explained that children may have worries and concerns and it's good to share these with someone they can trust like parents and teachers. They learnt the number to Childline (08001111). 


If you would like more information refer to the document below. 




Monday 7th October  - Geography lesson


Today we looked at the 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter). We looked at the changes from Summer to Autumn. The children looked outside and at pictures to create a word bank to describe what they saw. They discovered that; leaves fall off trees, they also change colour.  We looked at the different colours of the leaves, yellow, brown and red. They created a picture using the colours they saw and they wrote sentences to describe what they had drawn. 




Wednesday 2nd October- PSHE Lesson

Today in our PSHE lesson we looked at what it means to be healthy and how to live a healthy balanced lifestyle.

The children sat in groups and came up with some things they thought they needed to be healthy. We were very impressed with their ideas! 

We decided that to be healthy you need to:

Have a healthy balanced diet


Drink lots of water


Feel good and be happy

Get lots of sleep

The children then worked in groups to decide the order of importance. It was very interesting to hear what the children thought was the most important and why as well as looking at what they thought was the least important. 



Tuesday 1st October- Science Lesson

Today the children learnt all about different materials. We asked the question: 'What is the best material to make a house out of?'

The children wrote down all the materials they could think of that would be ideal for building a house including what they would need to use for the windows and for the doors.

We then asked the children what material they thought would be the most waterproof as all houses need to be waterproof.

We tested the following materials as part of our experiment: Wood, cardboard, hard plastic, brick and soft plastic.

The children found the hard plastic to be the most waterproof with the soft plastic coming second. The children enjoyed seeing how quickly the water absorbed into those materials that were not waterproof.

Next week the children will be testing for durability.

Monday 30th September and Thursday 3rd October 


Year 1 and 2 have been looking forward to Forest Schools. We were able to start going to the forest this week. Please see our Forest School page to find out what they have been up to

Monday 30th September - PSHE/Topic


Today Year 1/2 had a visit from the Fire Service, we learnt what to do if there is a fire in our house and what we can do to keep ourselves safe. 'Get out! Stay out! and call 999! 

 We enjoyed learning a rhyme... 'Matches and lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much.'  We then tried on some of the clothing that a Fire Fighter wears.  We even practised making a call to the Fire Service. 




Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September - Art lesson


We have continued our dragon theme in our Topic lessons this week. The children's end of week Topic challenge was to work in teams to make salt dough and then use this to create salt dough dragons. They enjoyed measuring out the ingredients, mixing these to make the dough and kneading it until it became easy to shape. The children looked at examples of salt dough dragons online in order to help them design and form their own dragons. Once the dragons have dried the children will paint them before bringing them home. 


We have talked a lot about our 6 learning behaviours at the start of this term and we were all very impressed by the skills the children demonstrated during this activity. The particular learning behaviours of focus during this activity were: 

Teamwork while making the salt dough;

Independence while making their own creations. 


If you would like to have a go at making your own salt dough creations you can use the recipe below. We would love to see some photographs of anything you make at home. smiley


Salt dough


500g flour (plus extra for lightly flouring your surface)

500g salt

250ml warm water 


1. Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl.

2. Add the warm water and slowly mix everything together. 

3. When the ingredients are combined, turn out onto a lightly floured surface. 

4. Knead for 5 - 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. 

5. Make your salt dough creations. 

6. Leave your creations to air dry. 

Tuesday 24th September - Art lesson


Paper plate dragons


Continuing on our topic 'fire and dragons' the children created paper plate dragons. They used paint brushes to apply paint in a design of their choice. They were able to name the colours they were using and some children decided to use patterns. 







Tuesday 24th September - Maths lesson


In maths this week we have been learning how parts make up a whole. The children have been exploring different ways to split objects into parts and knowing that each part can be a different size. They have learnt that you do not always have to split it into half. 






Monday 23rd September - After School Club


Key Stage 1 Construction Club


Today was the first day of construction club. The children had the challenge to build a building. They came up with ideas such as a police station, school, hospital, sweet shop, ice cream shop and houses. 





Monday 23rd September - PE lesson


In PE we are going to learn how to play football. The skills we learn will help when we take part in inter-house football later in the year. 


To warm up the children had to run around, the teacher would then say a number and they had to make groups of that amount. The children worked well to figure this out quickly. 


We then talked about the rules of football and finding space. The children took part in mini games to practise these skills. We will be practising passing skills, dribbling and positions as part of our skills progression throughout the term. 













Tuesday 17th September - Maths lesson


In maths today the children were comparing amounts. They used the language and symbols for greater than, less than and equal to. They made the amounts, picked the correct symbol and read the number sentence out. 







Tuesday 17th September - English lesson

The children were learning about nouns today. A noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any class of people, places, or things. The children had to label all the nouns in a dragon picture. Then the children put these into sentences. 



Example of work from the children:

The grey dragon is sitting. - By Poppy 

The boy has brown hair. - By Ethan 

Monday 16th September - Maths lesson


In maths today the Year 1's were practising finding one more and one less than a number. They picked a number and counted out the correct amount. From this they could add 1 or take 1 away to find 1 more and 1 less. 


The Year 2's were practising finding 10 more and 10 less. They made an amount out of Dienes. They had to add 1 ten stick to find 10 more and take 1 ten stick away to find 10 less. They looked at the pattern on a 100 square. 




Example of a challenge piece of work for this unit. 


Thursday 12th September - Maths lesson


In our Maths lessons today, we made numbers and recorded these in digits and in words. Year 1 children painted dots using cotton buds to create numbers between 1 and 20. The children really enjoyed this activity and it was not only a test of their ability to count accurately but also of their fine motor skills!


The Year 2 children used Dienes to create numbers between 1 and 99. They made each of their chosen numbers using tens and ones and then recorded these in digits, words and as pictorial representations. 

Week beginning 9th September - Art lesson

This week we have had lots of fun making dragons for our display.  We used cups for their heads and tissue paper for the fire coming out of their mouths.  

Meet the Teacher


Thank you to all the parents who attended 'Meet the Teacher' on Wednesday. It was wonderful hearing how settled and happy your children have been so far this term. At this meeting we handed out some useful resources to help with your child's education. If you were unable to attend, these will be sent to you shortly. If you find they don't make it home, please pop a note in your child’s Communication Book asking for a set of handouts. 


Please find the slides below for the presentation given. It will give you an insight into the Year 1 and 2 curriculum and expectations. 


If you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher. 

Wednesday 11th September - English lesson

Today in English the children acted out the story of 'Little Dragon'. They had to freeze and talk about their feelings. The children created a story map where they had to draw pictures of the main events of the story in order.


Tuesday 10th September - Art/Topic lesson

The children had an exciting afternoon in our Topic/Art lesson. As part of our Fire topic the children are looking at Dragons. The children had the opportunity to create dragons using different media.



Monday 9th September - Maths lesson

In maths today the children were practising counting forward and back from any given number. They worked with Numicon and Dienes to make these numbers and order them. We use Numicon and Dienes as concrete resources, this helps the children grasp the concepts of number and place value. 
